Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitlePDS-Inhibiting Herbicide Resistance Mechanism in Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)

Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) is one of Australia’s most challenging broadleaf weeds. Diflufenican, a PDS-inhibiting herbicide (Group 12), is a key herbicide for managing wild radish populations. However, extensive reliance on this herbicide has led to its evolution of resistance. Globally, resistance to Group 12 herbicides has emerged in at least five species, including R. raphanistrum, Hydrilla verticillata, Arctotheca calendula, Senecio vernalis, and Sisymbrium orientale. In Western Australia, 70% of wild radish populations exhibit resistance to diflufenican. Despite this, research on PDS-inhibiting herbicide resistance in weed species is limited.

This project aims to investigate target site resistance PDS mutations that confer resistance to Group 12 herbicides, analyse the uptake and translocation of diflufenican in resistant and susceptible plants, identify non-target site resistance genes responsible for resistance in wild radish, and assess the potential risk of cross-resistance to other herbicides.

Herbicide resistance
Gene discovery
Opportunity statusClosed
Open date17 Mar 2025
Close date31 Mar 2025

Must meet the minimum UWA PhD scholarship standard of 79% for Hons/Masters thesis. 

Open to domestic and international students

Citizenship statusInternational
Enrolment statusFuture student
Specific requirement

Degree in agriculture and Honours or Masters in molecular biology or plant breeding/genetics

Applicants should be familiar with:
-molecular biology techniques, including primer design, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR etc.
-plant tissue culture techniques.
-experimental design and data analysis

How to apply

Prospective applicants must contact Professor Ken Flower (ken.flower@uwa.edu.au) in the first instance to register interest in this opportunity.


Professor Ken Flower - ken.flower@uwa.edu.au

Scholarship details
Scholarship typeStipend scholarship

Immediate - within the next 6 months

Course typeDoctorates