Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitlePhD Scholarship UWA Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future PhD UWA Stipend Scholarship
Project opportunityPhD Project - Green lixiviants for EK-ISR-induced metal extraction from tailings

PhD Stipend Scholarship funded by UWA for ARC ITTC Critical Resources for the Future.  Project - Advanced Data to Knowledge Platform

Stipend Amount: $36,000 per annum 

Duration: 3.5 years

Funding Includes: Tuition fees, stipend, and research costs

Opportunity statusOpen
Open date01 Aug 2024
Research areaInformation and Computing Sciences

The scholarship is contingent upon successful admission to the PhD program at the University of Western Australia

Ability to spend 12 months embedded with a partner organisation

Enrolment statusFuture student
Specific requirement

Students applying for this scholarship will be required to sign UWA Student Deed Poll

How to apply

1.      Use this link to submit an expression of interest for a stipend scholarship to the Centre in Critical Resources for the Future, including a CV, a cover letter detailing research interests and experience, and contact information for at least two references.

2.      Apply for admission to the PhD program at The University of Western Australia (uwa.edu.au)


Prof Marco Fiorentini

Director – ARC Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future


Natasha Bartlett

 Manager – ARC Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future


Scholarship details
Scholarship typeStipend scholarship
Scholarship valueAUD $36,000

Domestic and UWA International Graduates Round

SchoolSchool of Earth Sciences
Course typeDoctorates
PhD Scholarship UWA Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future PhD UWA Stipend Scholarship