Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitleEvolution of disease resistance genes
SupervisorProf Jacqueline Batley
Research areaBiological Sciences
Project description

Genome sequencing is changing our understanding of biology and evolution, with implications for agriculture.  However, a reference genome does not represent a species' diversity. Through sequence analysis of many individuals of a species (pan genomics) we can identify genes that are conserved or different within and between species. Brassicas constitute the world’s main vegetable and oil crops; however, pathogens lead to substantial yield loss, and the cultivated species contain little diversity for identification of novel resistance sources. This project will focus on characterising resistance genes across wild Brassica species and study their evolution and selection. An understanding of the diversity of the genes and how they affect disease resistance will help in the design of novel plant protection strategies and significantly increase crop yields.

Opportunity statusOpen
Open date01 Jan 2024
Close date31 Dec 2025
Funding source

Australian Research Council

SchoolSchool of Biological Sciences

Prof Jacqueline Batley -  email  research profile

Specific project requirement

Data analysis, genetics and basic molecular biology skills.

Additional information

Research students at all levels (Honours, Masters and Doctoral) are sought to work on this project.

Please email Prof Jacqueline Batley in the first instance, with the following documents:

  • a cover letter outlining your suitability for the position; and
  • a copy of your academic transcript; and
  • a resume that includes your contact details and two referees.
Course typeDoctorates
