Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitleThe origin of elements: From ancient globular clusters to galaxies
SupervisorDr Kenji Bekki
KeywordsGalaxy, star clusters, Machine learning, computer simulations
Research areaPhysical Sciences
Project description

Astronomers have long been discussing the origin of the Galactic oldest star clusters (known as `globular clusters’; GCs), since they were discovered about 400 years ago.  However, it is still theoretically unclear how such old (10-12 Gyr years old) clusters were formed during the formation of the Galaxy. In particular,  the origin of their chemical abundance patters (e.g.,  CNO)  is yet to be fully understood. Since the abundance patterns have fossil information about the Galaxy,  understanding their origins can also lead to the better understanding of the Galaxy formation.

 This project aims at revealing the formation processes of GCs in the early Galaxy through a novel combination of supercomputer simulations and new data analysis based on machine learning and AI. A student in this project performs numerical simulations of GC formation from fractal molecular clouds with the total masses of 1-10 million solar masses  during the Galaxy formation. The student investigates (i) how molecular gas can be converted into new stars and how the new stars become a massive star cluster and (ii) how chemical evolution of forming GCs depend on the details of various feedback effects from supernovae, AGB stars, and neutron star mergers. These numerical simulations will be compared with the corresponding latest observations.

Opportunity statusOpen
Open date26 Aug 2024
Close date11 Dec 2024
SchoolSchool of Physics, Mathematics and Computing

Kenji bekki :  kenji.bekki@uwa.edu.au

Specific project requirement

Master or honour degree

Course typeDoctorates


Astronomy and astrophysics


Students should apply when RTP or ICRAR scholarship is open.

Master or honor degree


Master or honor degree.


Postdoctoral students or industry

The origin of elements: From ancient globular clusters to galaxies