Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitlePhD Project - Sustainable extraction of scandium from lateritic Nickel-Cobalt Ores
SupervisorProf Ali Karrech
KeywordsUWA PhD
Project description

Project Overview This PhD research project investigates sustainable methods for extracting scandium from lateritic nickel-cobalt ores, focusing on pH-controlled precipitation and life cycle assessment models to improve the environmental and economic sustainability of Ni-Co mining operations.

Research Questions:

1.      How can waste materials from HPAL processing be recycled or repurposed?

2.      What novel techniques can enhance scandium recovery?

3.      How can life cycle assessment models be developed to improve ESG performance?

Opportunity statusOpen
Open date01 Aug 2024
Funding source

ARC Training Centre in Critical Resouces for the future UWA PhD funding

ROAP - 2023\GR001593

SchoolSchool of Earth Sciences

Professor Ali Karrech UWA School of Engineering- E ali.karrech@uwa.edu.au

Natasha Bartlett - Manager – ARC Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future

E criticalresources@uwa.edu.au 

Specific project requirement

PhD candidates will spend 12 months embedded with one or more of our partner organisations.

Additional information

Expression of Interest: If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please:

 Use this link to submit an expression of interest for a stipend scholarship to the Centre in Critical Resources for the Future, including a CV, a cover letter detailing research interests and experience, and contact information for at least two references.

Apply for admission to the PhD program at The University of Western Australia (uwa.edu.au)

Course typeDoctorates
