Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitleDeep Surveys in the Square Kilometre Array Era
SupervisorDr Martin Meyer
CourseDoctor of Philosophy
KeywordsGalaxy Evolution
Interstellar Medium
Radio Astronomy
CategoriesAstronomy and Astrophysics
Research areaPhysical Sciences
Project description

The ability of radio astronomers to study the Universe is radically changing, enabling groundbreaking new studies of galaxy evolution.  This project aims to use some of the deepest and most sensitive datasets available from Australia’s ASKAP telescope, South Africa’s MeerKAT telescope, and other world-leading facilities, to advance our understanding of how galaxies have been fuelled across cosmic time.  Of particular importance will be to link this to major galactic components such as stellar and dark matter content. Observational datasets and research topics available in this area are briefly listed below.

  • Deep HI surveys: DINGO (being carried out on Australia’s ASKAP telescope; and led by A/Prof Meyer); LADUMA and MIGHTEE-HI (on South Africa’s MeerKAT telescope); CHILES survey (on the VLA in the United States) and IMAGINE (on Australia’s ATCA). 
  • Research topics: The cosmic density and distribution of neutral hydrogen, the connection between galaxies and the cosmic web, the impact of feedback and environment, galaxy scaling relations, angular momentum, the connection to dark matter, and advanced radio astronomy imaging methods and supercomputing. Further information on potential research topics can also be found here.

Work will be carried out in close collaboration with researchers at ICRAR/UWA as well as other local and international partners from the survey teams.  

Opportunity statusOpen
Open date01 Jul 2024
Close date31 Dec 2024
SchoolGraduate Research School

International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR): email | web

Course typeDoctorates

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a program of independent, supervised research that is assessed solely on the basis of a thesis, sometimes including a creative work component, that is examined externally. The work presented for a PhD must be a substantial and original contribution to scholarship, demonstrating mastery of the subject of interest as well as an advance in that field of knowledge. 

Visit the course webpage for full details of this course including admission requirements, course rules and the relevant CRICOS code/s.

Duration4 years
