Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitleSaving the Cocos Keeling Islands from plastic inundation
SupervisorDr Muhammad Hossain
Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi
Dr Mirjam Van Der Mheen
Project description

Plastic waste deposited on the Cocos Keeling Islands is transported largely from Java. This project aims at determining the Javanese rivers responsible, mass and type of plastics flowing in the rivers, and the route of transporting plastics from those rivers to the Indian Ocean and washing up on the Cocos Keeling Islands. Based on the route, this project expects to determine the optimal locations and cost-effective anchors for deploying Industry Partner Foresys’ floating barrier for effective extraction of plastics from the root sources. This will reduce plastics entering the southern Indian Ocean; killing marine animals; beaching in the Cocos Keeling Islands; and damaging the Islands’ environmental, social, health, and economic values.

Opportunity statusOpen
Open date11 Jul 2024
SchoolOceans Graduate School

Professor Muhammad Shazzad Hossain

ARC Future Fellow


Course typeDoctorates


Scholarship applicants need to submit an application for Admission via the HDR Application Portal, as well as an application for Scholarship via the online scholarship application form

Saving the Cocos Keeling Islands from plastic inundation