Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitleMulti-drug resistance (MDR) in Gram-negative bacteria has been identified as a major worldwide public health concern.
SupervisorProf Alice Vrielink
Keywordsstructural biology, antibiotic resistance, drug design
Research areaBiomedical and Clinical Sciences
Physical Sciences
Project description

Multi-drug resistant bacteria are responsible for approximately 700,000 deaths per year, a figure which could reach 10 million by the year 2050. This project focuses on developing inhibitors of an endotoxin modifying enzyme that mediates antibiotic resistance by masking bacteria against both the human immune system and important classes of antibiotics. A structure guided approach will be used to develop novel therapeutic agents to treat MDR bacterial infections.

Project Goals:

Elucidate structures of the enzyme in complex with small molecule inhibitors using protein crystallography or cryo electron microscopy methods.

  • Determine the binding affinities of the inhibitors for the enzyme.
  • Use the structural information to optimize the inhibitors for enhanced potency.

Through this project you will:

  • Acquire skills in recombinant protein expression and purification.

  • Learn all aspects of protein crystallography and cryo electron microscopy to determine molecular structures to atomic resolution.

  • Obtain expertise in other biochemical and biophysical methods used to characterize the protein and its interactions with small molecule inhibitors.

The project is multidisciplinary in that it provides opportunities for skills in structural biology, protein chemistry, biophysics and computational chemistry. You will work as a park of a team with medicinal chemists and microbiologists.

Opportunity statusOpen
Funding source

Self-funded applicants and scholarship holders. 



SchoolSchool of Molecular Sciences

Professor Alice Vrielink (alice.vrielink@uwa.edu.au)


Our lab looks at the three dimensional structures of proteins implicated in disease. We are focused on proteins that act as virulence factors causing antibiotic resistance as well as proteins that are important in causing cancer and tumorigenesis. We characterize the structures of these proteins and study their interactions with small molecule inhibitors as part of the process of structure guided drug design.

Specific project requirement

A knowledge of proteins including their basic structures and function is important. Biochemistry laboratory skills is also required.

Additional information


Anandan, A., Evans, G.L., Condic-Jurkic, K., O’Mara, M.L., John, C.M., Phillips, N.J., Jarvis, G.A., Wills, S.S., Stubbs, K.A., Moraes, I., Kahler, C.M. & Vrielink, A. (2017). Structure of a lipid A phosphoethanolamine transferase suggests how conformational changes govern substrate binding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 114, 2218-2223.

Course typeDoctorates


Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Drug Design, Molecular Sciences

Contact the research team leader

Once you have ensured that you meet the eligibility criteria and are ready to discuss a proposal, contact the Research Team Leader - Professor Alice Vrielink (alice.vrielink@uwa.edu.au)

After you have discussed your project with the research team leader you should be in a position to proceed to step two of the UWA application process: 'Lodge an application'.

Different procedures apply to domestic and international students.

See 'Lodge an application' for details.

General UWA PhD entrance requirements can be found on the Future Students website.

For International Students, as english is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the University’s English language requirements to be eligible for a place.

See details at "PhD Course Details"

See details at "Fees and Scholarships" for both domestic and international fees.

Multi-drug resistance (MDR) in Gram-negative bacteria has been identified as a major worldwide public health concern.