Higher Degree by Research Application Portal

TitleCentre for Human Lactation Research and Translation
SupervisorProf Donna Geddes
KeywordsHuman Lactation, Women's and Infant's Health
Research areaBiomedical and Clinical Sciences
Project description

The UWA Centre for Human Lactation Research and Translation forms a hub dedicated to advancing our understanding of breastfeeding and using that knowledge to address the challenges and support breastfeeding for both women and babies. 

The Centre is looking for highly motivated Honours/Masters/PhD students with a strong interest in Women’s and Infant’s Health to join the research team.

We have a range of research projects available that span qualitative and quantitative research, chemistry, and biochemistry.

Projects in the following areas are available in the next 12 months:

  • The effect of postpartum exercise on milk, composition, milk production, and maternal body composition
  • Prevalence of maternal dietary restrictions during breastfeeding
  • Breast growth in adolescence and associations with pregnancy and lactation outcomes
  • Birth trauma/preterm birth and its impact on the initiation of lactation
  • Barriers and enablers of breastfeeding a preterm infant
  • Seasonal variation in the composition of human milk donations in WA 
  • Investigation of sources and levels of maternal knowledge of breast and formula feeding and how this impacts infant feeding practices
  • An exploration of why women choose to exclusively express their milk for their baby
  • Is melatonin in human milk related to sleep wake cycles in breastfed infants
  • Circadian patterns of human milk components
Opportunity statusOpen
Open date01 Jul 2024
Close date01 Jul 2025
SchoolSchool of Molecular Sciences

The Centre for Human Lactation Research and Translation 

Professor Donna Geddes: chlrt@uwa.edu.au


Biomedical and clinical sciences